Neuroma Causes, Diagnose and Treatment - Morton’s Neuroma Treatment in Manhattan

Morton's Neuroma

Morton’s Neuroma is a painful condition developed when the tissue around the nerves prime to the foot starts to thicken and affects the ball of the feet. When neuroma occurs you may experience pain or discomfort as you're standing on a stone insert in your shoe. It is also known as intermetatarsal neuroma because it occurs between metatarsal bones. Commonly middle-aged people get affected by Morton's neuroma, especially females.


  • Frequently irregular pain is the main symptom of Morton's neuroma. It feels like a flaming pain in the ball of your feet like you are standing on the pebble.

  • There are no outside symptoms such as a lump because this is not a wound or tumor type disorder.

  • You may feel numbness and tingling sensitivity in the toes. 

  • Difficulty in a normal walk.

Causes:-  Neuroma develops due to overload on the feet. Here are some of the major causes of a neuroma.

High heels and uncomfortable footwear:-  Females are more affected by Morton's neuroma as they wear high heels and flip flops regularly. Narrow shoes can be a reason because tight or poorly fitting shoes put the foot bones in a straight direction.

Foot imperfection:- Generally, people who are suffering from bunions, hammertoe, flat feet have more risks of Morton’s Neuroma.

Strong sports activities:- Activities like running, court sports increase the risks of foot traumas repetitively, or physical games which require the right shoes can be a reason.

Obesity:- As our feet handle the entire body weight, obesity (overweight) increases the pressure or strain on the feet.

How Morton's neuroma gets diagnosed:- Diagnosis depends on the patient's detailed health history or any other foot problem like arthritis, joints, ligament problems, another foot injury.

When the doctor starts examining your feet, a doctor will check inflammation, numbness, weakness, and foot motion. Neuroma pain can be generated from the sides of your foot.

Tests for the neuroma notice:-

  • X-rays:- X-rays do not detect the neuroma helps to figure out the causes for the pain, arthritis, or stress fracture on the feet.

  • Ultrasound:- Sounds influx produces live pictures of the nerve and soft-tissue growth. It also detects other problems which occur around neuroma like bursitis.

  • MRI:- MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) uses a solid magnetic field, to display soft tissues.

Treatment:- Treatment depends on the seriousness of the disorder. Your podiatrist will start a normal treatment. If it doesn’t respond or pain is constant then the doctor will start more destructive treatment.

Generally, treatment starts by using footpads or custom orthotics to reduce the pressure on the feet. The doctor can also suggest painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs.

Other treatments like therapy, stretching exercises, gentle massage on the ball of your foot, icing on the feet, and keep resting.

Injections:- If your pain is constant, your doctor may try corticosteroids injections to relieve the pain.

Surgery:- When it’s non-responding to anti-inflammatory drugs or injection, the doctor may suggest surgery such as neurectomy, cryogenic surgery, or decompression surgery.

If you are a Morton’s Neuroma sufferer and searching for one of the best Neuroma specialists in Manhattan, Dr. Neil Zwiebel is here for you, An expert podiatrist doctor in Manhattan professionally treating foot disorders for a long time. Get in touch with him to take the Neuroma treatment in Manhattan. You can visit a website to schedule an appointment with an expert podiatrist or visit Park East Podiatry. 


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