Some Important Facts About Bunions You Should Know

What are Bunions? A bunion is a bony bump that forms on the joint of your big toe. Mostly it occurs when some of your bones in the front part of your foot move out of their original place. It basically formed when the big toe pushes against the next toe. Painful bunions interfere while walking and running, but you can keep them from getting worse. Why Bunions Need Attention? Bunions basically develop on the big toe and can damage the other fingers of your foot. With these, you can suffer from many serious problems like corns, calluses, hammertoes or ingrown toenails, etc. If you put all of your weight on your painful big toe joint, then you may develop discomfort in the ball of your foot. Due to this, your joint becomes painful, and it becomes difficult to fit your shoes. Some Causes of Bunions Bunions occur because of faulty foot structure, which might be inherited or due to any severe injury. Podiatrists or experts believe that shoes that don’t fit properl...